Tuesday, September 22, 2020

1 October 2020: GRM Talks - Webinar Series on Grievance Redress Systems and Consumer Protection

Talk 1: Addressing Grievances Outside of the Court: Lessons from Grahak Sahayta Kendra
Deepak Saxena, CUTS International, Jaipur

Grahak Sahayta Kendra (GSK) helps financial consumers address their grievances with physical centres that serve as a non-judicial stop point for consumers. We present lessons from the GSK on designs of grievance redress, and the nature of complaints from financial consumers.

Talk 2: Notes on Grievance Redress from the Field
Srishti Sharma, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy

We present lessons from focussed group discussions that were carried out in Nagpur and Mumbai among varying demographic groups accessing different financial products. We gathered insights on access to financial products, incidence of grievances in the formal financial sector, and how consumers interact with formal and informal mechanisms of grievance redress. We found low levels of reporting of grievances irrespective of the economic background and access to financial products among consumers. Lack of awareness of such mechanisms is the most cited reason and common across groups. Consumers from rural areas with poor economic background and limited access to finance showed a high level of tolerance to financial grievances. They cited the fear of retribution as an additional reason for not airing their grievances. On the other hand, the consumers from urban households having high access to financial products reported the complexity of the grievance redress process and lack of trust in such mechanisms as the contributing factors.

Organised by
National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi

Date: October 1, 2020
Time: 04:00 P.M.

To receive login details for the Webinar, please register for the event here.

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