Pierre-Richard Agénor
University of Manchester
The persistence of poverty and lack of progress in human development has led policymakers to put renewed emphasis on policies aimed at promoting economic efficiency and improving the productivity of the poor, generating income-earning capabilities and creating opportunities for using them productively. This has led to a greater priority on investments in public infrastructure. Recent analytical and empirical research has highlighted the fact that public infrastructure may spur growth through a variety of other channels, beyond its effects on the productivity of private inputs and the rate of return on private capital, including through an impact on health and education outcomes. Accounting for the externalities associated with infrastructure may thus be essential in designing and quantifying growth and human development strategies. Professor Agenor and discussants will highlight, analytically and empirically, the channels through which public capital investment may feed into human development outcomes in health, education, and women's time allocation, among others, and will suggest implications for public policies in the Indian context.
Date: October 20, 2011
Time: 05:30 P.M.
Upper Basement Conference Room
The World Bank,
70 Lodi Estate,
New Delhi-110003(INDIA)
For queries, please contact Savita Dhingra at sdhingra@worldbank.org or Tanusree Talukdar, ttalukdar@worldbank.org
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