Monday, February 27, 2017

2 March 2017: Does Devolution to Local Governments Improve Health Outcomes in Rural India?

Hari K. Nagarajan
Institute of Rural Management, Anand

Please join us for a conversation with Professor Hari K. Nagarajan, RBI Chair Professor at IRMA, about the findings of his joint work with Hans P. Binswanger-Mkhize and Anirudh Tagat on whether democratisation and devolution of responsibilities to local governments in India improves access to health care, health status, and individual health incomes.

Using nationally representative household panel data for rural India from NCAER’s Rural Economic and Demographic Surveys (more popularly known as REDS), the authors explore the welfare effects of the choice of health service provider. They find that the deepening of democracy through participation in local decision-making and improved grievance redressal related to public goods influences the choice of health care provider. Given a level of illness, they find that such choice, in turn, leads to increases in contribution to household incomes that vary by gender. Their work importantly implies that it is not only the supply of services and mechanisms of access that are important, but what also matters is the extent to which members of households are able to participate in the management and governance of these services. This work continues earlier work based on the REDS data, the only national panel data for rural India, by Nagarajan, Binswanger and Meenakshisundaram in their book, Decentralization and Empowerment for Rural Development, published by NCAER and Cambridge University Press in 2015.

Date: March 2, 2017
Time: 03:30 P.M.

NCAER Conference Room
National Council of Applied Economic Research
Parisila Bhawan, 11, Indraprastha Estate
New Delhi-110002(INDIA)


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Please join us for high tea and conversation with the author after the seminar. For queries, please contact Ms Sudesh Bala at or on +91-11-2345-2722.

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