Wednesday, December 7, 2011

9 December 2011: Managing India's Urban Spillovers: Land, Infrastructure, and Services

Somik Lall and Tara Vishwanath
World Bank

Urbanization is unfolding in India with 90 million people being added to urban areas since 2001 alongside urban physical growth which took off in places classified as census towns – which exhibit urban characteristics but not officially classified as such. How urbanization unfolds has implications for economic efficiency and equity. From an economic efficiency point of view, the important question is to identify where these transformations are taking place and whether productivity gains through agglomeration economies are being tapped. And from a spatial equity perspective, it is important to understand if the benefits of this transformation are spreading geographically. This presentation will focus on the pace and patterns of urbanization in India, identify factors that may influence efficiency of spatial transformation, and suggest options for policy based on relevant international experience. In unraveling potential constraints, this presentation will focus on land policies, services, infrastructure and connectivity.

Date: December 9, 2011
Time: 12:30 P.M.

Conference Room, 2nd Floor
The World Bank,
70 Lodi Estate,
New Delhi-110003(INDIA)


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Please confirm your attendance by mail to Jyoti Sriram at by Thursday, December 8

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